Saturday, September 20, 2014

Doa 'Bersama #Pakatan' - Retorik #PengkalanKubor diambang kehancuran.

Ramai pengundi Pas Pengkalan Kubor keliru dan tertanya-tanya,  kenapa slogan Pas kali ini tampak begitu terdesak meletakkan slogan 'Bersama Pakate' sedangkan doa di muktamar Pas semalam jelas dan terang bahawa perwakilan Pas men'doa' dan menolak bulat-bulat hubungan tahaluf-siyasi yang kesannya kini dirasai oleh ahli Pas secara hakiki. Tiada sembunyi lagi akan perasaan marah, kecewa dan pedih apabila dikhianati Pakatan Keadilan dan Dap dalam isu Anwar ibrahim cuba melantik bininya sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor dan memecat TS Khalid Ibrahim sekaligus melanggar perjanjian muktamar yang pernah dipersetujui bersama.

Jelaslah kedudukan Pas di Pengkalan Kubor kali ini menampakkan sebahagian pengundi Pas dan Keadilan yang liberal bakal memboikot Prk Pengkalan Kubor .

Kekecewaan di kalangan Pas dan Keadilan liberal kali ini diramalkan bukannya memangkah Barisan Nasional tetapi lebih kepada undi rosak kerana pengundi Pakatan telah muak dan loya dengan situasi politik percaturan rekomen payung memayung sesama kroni anak bini bukkannya secara ikhlas membela rakyat marhaen seperti yang dijaja di pentas pilihanraya. 


  1. The secretary of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (YAP LEONG LAN) said, the temple always problems and she does not know what is always the problem and who always make problems, the problem does not stop because all donations and income from dirty money or fraudulent money

    This Temple built by Sangha members and devotees in Kepong or in Malaysia 30 years ago, the first in Taman Ehsan, moved Taman Desa Jaya, whose devotees are recorded in their minds always, need to think correctly, not destroy Buddhist shrines, the founders are not easy to set up in the beginning

    All committees need to take care of the Buddhist Temple because you work there and take care of there but, it is not easy for all things in the Temple and you need to know is the age of technology, everyone needs to use the internet for research

    Also don't make Buddha ashamed because Buddha teachings are very important for human beings in the world and don't think, Buddha teachings are for people in Kepong area only, please don't destroy Buddha because Buddha is one of the great religions in the world, UN also praises Buddha

    We know your boss YIP KUM FOOK (president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI, lawyer, datuk….) but sometimes he cannot help your forever because YIP KUM FOOK so many people gossip on him in internet

    Sharing by Buddhist group in Kepong

  2. so this YIP KUM FOOK destroyed Sangha (the monks in Buddhist) and insulted Buddhist monks in various things in Buddhist teachings, the monk came to visit Temple and he called police and gangsters to harass the Buddhist monk, the monks had to leave the Temple as soon as possible because the monks came empty-handed

    they are very happy and proud to be able to bring the monks out of the Temple at that time, but they don’t know what Sangha means, maybe they don’t know Sanghas are the Buddha followers, Sanghas are also one of the communities in Buddhist world. You have damaged one Sangha but another sanghas are still there to protect other Sanghas as well

    all religions must unite to save and protect Buddhist monks because YIP KUM FOOK (Satan, demon, spectre, phantom) destroyed Buddhist monks, as well as his son (Yip Jiun Hann) dirty mind like a father

    from MRs Phang, Taman Daya, Kepong
